What Is M.S Word?

What Is M.S Word?

: M.S. word is a word processing program that we can type with. Its purpose is to allow users to type and save documents.

How to start MS Word?

Click on Start button

All program – Microsoft office – MS Word

  • Shortcut – Win + R – Type the command Window

Clipboard:- Cut, Copy, Paste, Formate Painter.

Font:- Font, Font Size, Grow Font, Shrink Font, Clear Formatting, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike Through, Subscript, Super Script, Change Case, Text Highlight Color, Text Color.

Paragraph:-, Bullet, Numbering, Increase Indent, Decrease Indent, Sort, Show/Hide Command, Align Text- Left, Center, Right, Justify, Line Spacing, Shading, Border.

Styles:- Change Styles Of Heading.

Editing:- Find And Go To, Replace, Select.

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