What is Google Adsense? how to make money from it.

If you know what is Google AdSense? So you too can earn lakhs of rupees from this. Google Adsense has a great importance in this world of online, by reading this article you will know what is Google Adsense? And you will know what is the value and importance of Google Adsense at present.

The initial release date of Google Adsense is June 18, 2003. But it makes me very sad that Google Adsense has been around for 19 years, but still more than 50 percent of the people using Google search engine do not know about Google Adsense. The main reason for this is that people are not interested in such things online.

Just as internet and technology is slowly changing the lives of many people, similarly Google Adsense is also changing the lives of millions of people, among them I am also one person whose life has been completely changed by Google Adsense, What is Google Adsense? In today’s time, it is very important for us to know about which we should know this by reading this article in detail.

What is Google AdSense?

Just as YouTube is a program (product) of Google, similarly Google Adsense is also a product of Google, which was released on June 18, 2003. Google Adsense is such an Ad network that we can use to earn money online, and let us tell you that most people who earn money online use Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is most commonly used by celebrities like YouTubers, bloggers and app makers on Play Store to earn money online. Google Adsense displays its client’s advertisements on Youtube, Blogger and Play Store celebrities’ websites, YouTube videos and apps through pictures, videos and text, and when interested visitors click on these advertisements,

So Google Adsense earns from this and some percentage of this is also given to the owner of the website, YouTube videos and apps, which earns the people who make YouTuber, blogger and App on Play Store, Google Adsense, their money Google Sends to their bank account through Adsense account, Google Adsense is the best and most reliable Ad network in the whole world today.

Google Adsense probably has a big hand in making online Earning famous, and because of Google Adsense, people around the world are slowly believing in online Earning, Google Adsense in making all this possible. Huge contribution.

Types of Google Adsense Ads

Google Adsense shows different types of advertisements on its user’s website, apps and YouTube videos, if you understand all these types of Google Adsense advertisements, then you will be able to find out by looking at any advertisement that this advertisement Whether it is of Google Adsense or not, the following are all types of advertisements of Google Adsense.

Text Ads

We see such advertisements when we do some brands related search on Google, like if you search how to create online store on Google, then the top results you see, which have black letters in the beginning. In Ad. It is written, basically, there are text ads here, if you see such ads, then you can understand that these are Google ads.

video ads

You must have seen this type of advertisement everywhere, we see video ads of Google Adsense on websites, YouTube videos, mobile apps, etc. More money has to be paid because such advertisements are expensive.

Display ads

We see these types of advertisements in websites, articles, and home pages of mobile apps or in any of the apps, most of the bloggers earn through display ads, these ads look very attractive. Because of which the chances of getting clicks on these are very high.

In-article Ad

You get to see such advertisements only in the articles of websites, hence the name of this advertisement (ad unit) is In-article Ad. Bloggers also earn from these advertisements and these advertisements are very beneficial for bloggers.

Multiplex ad

We see such advertisements only in websites because it is an Ad unit specially created for bloggers so that bloggers’ earnings can be increased, you get to see such advertisements in the footer of websites, this is a different advertisement. appear in groups of

What is the meaning of CPC, RPM, impressions, Clicks in Google Adsense?

The more we learn new things about Google Adsense, the more we get information about new things in Google Adsense, we see things like CPC, RPM, impressions, Clicks, page views in Google Adsense. They mean the following.

CPC: The full form of CPC is Cost Per Click (Cost-Per-Click), and it means how much money is being received for one click on the advertisement, if the CPC in your Adsense account is showing – 0.10 then it means That you are earning $ 0.10 per click.

RPM: Full form of RPM Page revenue per thousand impressions (page income per thousand impressions) This means that when advertisements are shown 1000 times in 1000 page views, then how much you are earning per 1000 page views.

Impressions: This means that if you have 100 page views in your Google Adsense account and 500 impressions are visible, then it means that a total of 500 ads have been shown in 100 page views.

Clicks: The meaning of clicks is “how many times users clicked on the advertisements out of the advertisements shown”.

Page views: This means how many page views are there in the advertisements shown.

Earn Money From Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is the most trusted way to earn money online, due to which millions of people currently earn money sitting at home online. There is not only one way to earn money from Google Adsense, there are multiple ways to earn money from Google Adsense, by which we can earn lakhs of rupees a month. We can earn money from Google Adsense in the following ways.

  1. By monitizing YouTube channel with AdSense

Growing up YouTubers earn millions of rupees a month by monetizing their YouTube channel with Google Adsense, Google Adsense is the better way to earn money from YouTube channel, the method which every YouTuber uses in today’s time, and earns money. To monetize YouTube channel with Google Adsense, YouTube channel must have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watchtime.

  1. By monitizing the website with AdSense

Yes, the way we can monitize YouTube channel with Google Adsense, similarly we can earn money by monitizing the website with Google Adsense, but to monitize the website with Google Adsense, approval of Google Adsense has to be taken, which people Seems like a very difficult task, but getting Google Adsense approval is not that difficult.

  1. By monitizing the app with AdSense

Making an App is a bit difficult task, but at present, we can create Apps from mobile itself and monetize it with Google Adsense and earn money online sitting at home, but currently there are very strict rules to monetize the App with Google Adsense. , But if we follow the rules of Google Adsense properly then we can earn a lot of money by monetizing the App with Google Adsense.

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