What is E commerce

If we look at the statistics of the last few years, the number of customers doing online shopping is increasing very fast, from this we can get an idea that the importance of e-commerce is very high in the present time, in such a situation, we have to develop e-commerce. What is? And its benefits and harms should be known and understood.

E-commerce was not so important in the old times because at that time people did not believe in things like online shopping, the reason for this was that at that time the internet was not so much developed, but with time as internet, technology every As it reached someone, in the same way gradually the credibility of people regarding e-commerce increased.

In today’s time, millions of people go to e-commerce website and do online shopping daily and all kinds of businessmen who have big business are also taking their shop online by creating e-commerce website for their business. Therefore, it has become necessary to know what is e-commerce.

So let us now start knowing all the information related to e-commerce like what is e-commerce, history of e-commerce, types of e-commerce, advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce etc.

What is E commerce

The full name of e-commerce is electronic commerce, buying or selling any kind of goods, goods, services through internet is called e-commerce. There are many examples of e-commerce in today’s time like Amazon, Flipkart, OLX etc. All this is an e-commerce platform on which goods, commodities, etc. are sold and bought through online internet.

In a way, doing business through the Internet can also be called e-commerce. Commerce means exchange of any type of product, goods and when we do commerce through internet then we call it e-commerce. If we now try to understand the meaning of e-commerce, then we can call it e-commerce only to exchange goods and services electronically, that is, to buy and sell.

E-commerce is a medium through which we can sell and buy our products and services anytime and anywhere using the internet. If we buy goods or any service from offline shops, then we need to go to the shop, but in e-commerce, we can buy goods sitting at home through internet.

In this we cannot physically see the product we are going to buy, in this we see the graphics of online products through the internet and on the basis of reviews, images, we decide to buy any kind of product. We decide means we cannot physically see the product like offline shops.

history of e commerce

In 1960 to 1970, business used to interchange their data through EDI i.e. Electronic Data Interchange, since then e-commerce started on a small scale, after which Credit cards, ATM cards started coming from 1980 and airplanes through electronic Ticket booking process started.

After which WWW i.e. World Wide Web was started in 1989 to 1990, after which Amazon was started in 1994, which is considered to be the biggest platform of e-commerce till date, after which E bay started in 1995, they came Since then, e-commerce has now started reaching a big level and in today’s time Amazon has become one of the largest e-commerce website.

How many types of e commerce are there?

If we see, there are many types of e-commerce, there are different types according to different businesses. There are mainly four types of e-commerce which are given below –

  1. Business to Consumer. When any kind of product or service is sold by a business to the direct consumer through online, then we call it Business to Consumer i.e. B2C e-commerce, in which the product or service is delivered online directly to the consumer by the brand. .

Example: Like buying clothes, mobile, laptop etc through any online store.

  1. Business to Business. When any type of goods or service is sold from one merchant to another through online, then it is called Business to Business i.e. B2B e-commerce, in which a brand sells its product or service online to another brand. .

Example: Like Brands with Photos and Images sell their Images online through their website to such Brands who need those Images commercially.

  1. Consumer to Consumer. When a consumer sells his product to another consumer through online, then this type of buying and selling is called Consumer to Consumer i.e. C2C e-commerce.

Example: Like a person sells his old goods, property to another person using internet.

  1. Consumer to Business. When a consumer sells any of his product or service to a business through online internet, then such transaction is called Consumer to Business i.e. C2B e-commerce.

Example: Like a Video Editor sells the videos recorded by him to the Brands with Video, Photos Stocks through his website and later when the Video Editor needs a particular footage, then he sells it from the website having Video, Photos Stocks. Buys footage.

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