What is CSS and how to learn it?

In this article, the information about CSS has been explained. In which we have told what is CSS, Full Form of CSS, Types of CSS Style Sheets, History of CSS, Benefits of CSS, How to Learn CSS and How to Write Code in CSS. If you want to get information about CSS. Then you can read this article till the end. Because in this article we have given complete information about CSS.

In its previous article, we had told the complete information about HTML. HTML is considered the basis of the web. The structure of each website is made through HTML only. A website cannot be built without it. But the design of the website created through HTML is not good. This is where CSS comes in handy. CSS together with HTML makes the design of the website good i.e. Good Looking. So if you want to have a good website design. Then you have to learn CSS along with HTML.

Because CSS only gives the correct color to the structure of the webpage created by HTML. But do you know what is CSS and how to learn CSS. Or what do you understand by CSS. If you want to become a web designer, programmer, hacker or blogger. Then you should also have knowledge of CSS. If you do not know CSS. Then let’s know.

What is CSS? (What is CSS in English)

CSS is a computer language. Which is used to design the webpage. Since the structure of the webpage is created through HTML. But it is the work of CSS to give the correct color and shape to the structure of the webpage. If you understand CSS in simple language, then its task is to tell the web browser that what font, size, color and position etc. of the text, image, paragraph etc. available in the webpage or website should be shown. Because the design of a webpage made of HTML is not good to look at. CSS makes this webpage beautiful and attractive

That’s why CSS is used in almost all websites. CSS not only makes the website design attractive but also makes the job of the designer easier. Apart from this, the use of CSS in the website or webpage also makes the load time of the website or webpage fast. If you want to create a fast loading and beautiful website. Then you need to learn CSS along with HTML. Because CSS is always used with HTML only. CSS cannot be used without HTML. That is, nothing can be made with only CSS. But can use HTML without CSS.

CSS acts like makeup in a webpage or website. If you want to become a web designer, programmer, hacker or blogger. Then you should learn CSS. CSS is a simple web designing language. Which can be learned quickly. With this, the layout of the webpage or website can be customized.

Full Form of CSS (CSS Full Form in English)

Do you know what is the full name of CSS? Means full form of CSS. The full form of CSS is Cascading Style Sheet. It is used to style the webpage. Cascading style sheet is used to make the webpage beautiful and attractive.

  • C – Cascading
  • S – Style
  • S – Sheet

body {
  background-color: lightblue;

h1 {
  color: white;
  text-align: center;

p {
  font-family: verdana;
  font-size: 20px;


History of CSS (History of CSS in Hindi)

It was first created in the year 1994 by a person named Hakon Wium Lie. Which was later released by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) in the year 1996 as the first version of CSS. So far, four versions of CSS have been released. In which the latest version of CSS is CSS3. CSS is maintained by W3C only and it keeps on releasing the version of CSS.

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