How to learn blogging and earn money

Hello friends, this question is not only for you but for many people who have heard about blogging or have read someone’s blog, because blogging is still a very interesting task, which many people want to do, but how can they learn blogging? can? Due to lack of information about this subject, they are unable to learn blogging and then leave it.

If I talk about me, then I was reading the blog from 2016-17, since then I do not know, I had a lot of interest in it, because of which today I am running this blog and am spending my life “AS a Blogger”, even though till I read a lot of hard work to reach because there was no one to tell me at that time how to learn blogging? Because of which I learned by myself.

For this reason, I thought of writing this article today because it took me a long time to learn blogging, but if there was someone to give me good guidance about it, then I would not have taken so much time to understand things and in today’s article My only and only purpose of the article is that whoever wants to learn blogging.

He should read and understand the information given in this article so that his upcoming blogging career can be bright. So, without waiting any more, let’s find out and learn something new.

What is blogging after all?

First of all tell you how to learn blogging? What is blogging more important than knowing this? It is important to know this because most of the new bloggers consider blogging as Money Making Game, due to which they are not able to succeed in it, then tell you that blogging is a work that a blogger does.

Such as creating a blog, writing a blog post, SEO of the blog, monetizing the blog, increasing the traffic of the blog, designing the blog, helping visitors, etc. Meaning in simple words, to make a blog successful, we call the combination of all those tasks which have to be done, blogging.

Why learn blogging?

There can be many reasons for learning blogging like many people want to learn blogging for money, many people want to learn blogging because of this they enjoy writing, many people find blogging work very interesting, some In this way you can also have some reason to learn blogging.

But if you want to learn blogging for money then you are right at your place because money is needed by everyone in their life but the first priority of coming to blogging and learning blogging should not be money, if so then you Will not be able to do it because blogging requires a lot of patience.

Because in the initial days of blogging, even a single rupee is not earned for a long time, in such a situation you will be disappointed and you will not enjoy writing blog posts because you will keep thinking about money, so you will be able to do blogging for money. There is no problem if you want to come, but this should not be your first priority.

Yes, there is decent money in blogging, but in this you have to leave the world and write posts day and night.

What to learn to learn blogging?

To learn blogging, you will have to learn some things because all those things also come under blogging and it becomes necessary to learn those things to become a successful blogger, so now let me tell you about those important things which are important for blogging. It is very important to learn for the sake of learning :-

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