Class 12th English 100 Marks “Now the leaves are falling fast” OBJECTIVE 2023 Indian Civilization And Culture Question Answer

1. The falling of ………….. refer to the speedy arrival of death.

(A) leaves
(B) stones
(C) snows
(D) None of these

Answer:(A) leaves

2. The ………….. of death are the whispering neighbour.

(A) Messenger
(B) friends
(C) enemies
(D) God

Answer:(A) messenger

3. The prams are —

(A) running
(B) standing
(C) lying
(D) rolling

Answer:(A) human

4. The travellers are we beings, moving towards our death.

(A) human
(B) animal
(C) urban
(D) rural

Answer:(A) human

5. Human life is no better than —

(A) life
(B) death
(C) journey
(D) None of these

Answer:(B) death

6. ‘Whispering neighbours, left and right is a line from the poem—

(A) An Epitaph
(B) Song of Myself
(C) Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast
(D) Snake

Answer:(C) Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast

7. ‘Nurse’s flowers will not last is a line written by—

(A) John Keats
(B) John Donne
(C) Walt Whitman
(D) W.H. Auden

Answer:(D) W.H. Auden

8. Who is the poet of ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast?

(A) John Keats
(B) W. H. Auden
(C) Rupert Brooke
(D) T.S. Eliot

Answer:(B) W. H. Auden

9. The prams were……….

(A) big
(B) still
(C) rolling
(D) Lost

Answer:(C) rolling

10. W. H. Auden was born in?

(A) 1917
(B) 1900
(C) 1907
(D) 1910

Answer:(C) 1907

11. W.H. Auden died in?

(A) 1968
(B) 1958
(C) 1973
(D) 1965

Answer:(C) 1973

12. W. H. Auden won the Pulitzer prize in

(A) 1937
(B) 1958
(C) 1948
(D) 1842

Answer:(C) 1948

13. The travellers are the persons.

(A) young
(B) old
(C) sick
(D) orphan

Answer:(B) old

14. Travellers will be blessed with the

(A) river
(B) waterfall
(C) pond
(D) lake

Answer:(B) waterfall

15. Diseases make human life……….

(A) miser
(B) mouser
(C) miserable
(D) wealthier

Answer:(C) miserable

16. The leaves were fast

(A) snowing
(B) cut
(C) falling
(D) growing

Answer:(C) falling

17. The prams are-

(A) Running
(B) Rolling
(C) Standing
(D) Broken

Answer:(B) Rolling

18. Who disturbs the ‘real delight’ of the ageing persons-

(A) Nurse’s flowers
(B) Starving people
(C) Whispering neighbors
(D) Cold

Answer:(C) Whispering neighbors

19. W.H. Auden won the Pulitzer Prize in the year?

(A) 1947
(B) 1958
(C) 1948
(D) 1946

Answer:(C) 1948

20. What is falling fast?

(A) Snow
(B) Flowers
(C) Leaves
(D) Ball

Answer:(C) Leaves

22. ‘Now The Leaves are Falling’ is

(A) a lyric
(B) an ode
(C) a sonnet
(D) an elegy

Answer:(A) a lyric

23. ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast the ………… frustration inherent in human life.

(A) reacts
(B) enacts
(C) accepts
(D) protests

Answer:(B) enacts

24. W.H. Auden has written the poem—

(A) John Keats
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) W.H. Auden
(D) T.S. Eliot

Answer:(C) W.H. Auden

25. Who is the poet of ‘Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast’?

(A) John Keats
(B) W.H. Auden
(C) Rupert Brooke
(D) T.S. Eliot

Answer:(B) W.H. Auden

26. W.H. Auden was born in?

(A) 1917
(B) 1908
(C) 1907
(D) 1913

Answer:(C) 1907

27. W.H. Auden died in?

(A) 1963
(B) 1953
(C) 1973
(D) 1965

Answer:(C) 1973

28. The leaves are falling —

(A) slow
(B) soon
(C) fast
(D) None of these

Answer:(C) fast

29. Trees shed their leaves in —

(A) rain
(B) summer
(C) winter
(D) autumn

Answer:(D) autumn

30. The ………….. has become dumb to see the leafless trees.

(A) hen
(B) sparrow
(C) nightingale
(D) peacock

Answer:(C) nightingale

31. ……………… Waterfalls could bless the travellers passing through that way.

(A) Yellow
(B) White
(C) Red
(D) Grey

Answer:(B) White

32. In the second line of the poem, Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ‘Nurse’ stands for—

(A) a plant
(B) a fruit
(C) a tree
(D) None of these

Answer:(C) a tree

33. In the poem, ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ ‘Whispering neighbours’ stand for—

(A) agents of Life Insurance
(B) agents of the State Bank of India
(C) agents of Sahara India
(D) agents of death

Answer:(D) agents of death

34. ‘Trolls’ mentioned in the poem, ‘Now The Leaves are Falling Fast’ are mythological creatures.

(A) Scandinavian
(B) Indian
(C) Russian
(D) None of these

Answer:(A) Scandinavian

35. ‘Now the Leaves are Falling Fast’ is a poem.

(A) a pessimistic
(B) optimistic
(C) a pessimistic-cum-optimistic
(D) None of these

Answer:(C) a pessimistic-cum-optimistic

36. Who has composed the poem, Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast?

(A) W.H. Auden
(B) Walter de la Mare
(C) D.H. Lawrence
(D) Rupert Brooke

Answer:(A) W.H. Auden

37. Auden won the Pulitzer prize in—

(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) 1950

Answer:(B) 1948

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