What is Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is called artificial intelligence in Hindi, which is made up of two words, artificial means created by a human and intelligence means the power to think. We also know it by the name of Machine learning.

Artificial intelligence is the technology through which machines are given the power to think and understand like humans. Through artificial intelligence, machines are given the power to think, so that machines can do any brain work in the same way as humans. Artificial intelligence can also do it.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) simply means giving such a mind to the computer. Just as we teach new things by giving examples to a student or any person, in the same way we teach any new things to computer (Ai) through data.

Artificial Intelligence is an Advance Technology, there is so much difference between Artificial Intelligence and Normal Technology, Normal Technology that if we talk, then Notepad coming in the computer is a normal technology, no matter how many notes we make in it, no new features will come in it, nor The capacity of notepad is about to increase.

But this is not the case in Artificial Intelligence (Advance Technology), the more the data reaches AI, the more powerful the Artificial Intelligence will become and new features will be added to it according to the data.

Artificial intelligence is that technology machine which can learn any information according to the data like humans.

Inventor of Artificial Intelligence

Before the invention of artificial intelligence, the research about artificial intelligence had started after 1950, but who gave the name of artificial intelligence to the thinking machine.

It was John McCarthy, a great American scientist, who named this thinking machine as Artificial Intelligence in 1955. He is considered father of Artificial Intelligence.

Types of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence is seen in different forms at present, but talking about its type, there are two types of Artificial Intelligence which are given below –

  1. General Ai

This is the type of artificial intelligence that we can teach all kinds of new things according to the data. General AI is that artificial intelligence that can do many things just like humans.

2. Narrow Ai

It is in such a way that artificial intelligence is made for a particular work, which is not fully capable of doing any other kind of work, for example, Tesla company’s car.

Which will be able to run on American roads with good performance with the help of self drive, but if tesla company’s vehicles are run on Indian roads with the help of self drive, then that car will not be able to run as well as it can run on American roads. gets it.

Because it has been made for a specific American road and it has the data of American roads. In today’s time, the artificial intelligence that is used around us is based on Narrow Ai, we do not have General Ai, but work is still going on.

How does artificial intelligence work?

Ai is a technology that if put in any machine, then that machine will continue to learn new things like humans according to the data and the more data it has, the more powerful it will become, just like humans, the more information humans get It goes on, the more people become powerful.

Artificial Intelligence works according to the information, the thing which information will not be present in their database, they will not be able to do the work. Let’s give it to General Ai.

At the same place, you can give data to Narrow AI to do only one particular task. Because of this, Narrow Ai are not able to do every single task.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence

  1. Google lenses. In today’s time, the biggest example of artificial intelligence is Google lens because by taking a photo of an object with Google lens, you can get all the information related to that object, what is that object and what is its use.

Then we think how it becomes possible, all this becomes possible because of Artificial Intelligence. Google lens is based on Machine learning technology and Ai, which immediately scans the photo and gives all the information related to that photo.

  1. Google Assistant. If you use mobile, then you must have used Google Assistant, in which we ask any question to Google Assistant by saying Google and answers them within a few minutes through Internet or Self data, then we think that Google How the assistant is able to give accurate answers to our questions, all this is possible because of AI.
  2. Google maps. This is a better example of artificial intelligence, when we enable the location of our phone GPS, then how does Google Map know that at which place we are present, it is possible because of artificial intelligence, all in AI’s database. Location data is available. So that whenever we try to find out the location of our phone by turning on the GPS from Google Map, then it is known. Google Map which uses Artificial Intelligence is called Live view Ai and it is also known as Global Localization.
  3. Amazon Alexa. These days Alexa is in a lot of headlines in which we ask Alexa any question, she gives us the answer immediately and we ask Alexa to do any digital work like – Alexa turn on AC, set Alexa alarm like this Alexa does all the digital work in a few minutes, all this has become possible due to artificial intelligence.
  4. Tesla cars self drive mode. If you know the richest person in the world, then you must know one of his car manufacturing company Tesla, this is one of the most high quality cars ever, in which there is a feature Self drive mode in which the car itself Has the ability to drive.

In self drive mode, this car can drive itself by scanning the surrounding environment. This has been possible because of Artificial Intelligence and it is the biggest example of AI till date.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

With the arrival of AI, there will be a lot of change in our life and we are going to get some such benefits –

Because of AI, there can be a big change in the fields of agriculture, defence, health. Due to which the human race is going to be benefited.
With the advent of AI, the work which requires a lot of people to do, the same work will be done with the help of AI in very less time and in a better way.

  1. Ai greatly reduces our errors, so that any work is done with very high accuracy, so that there is no possibility of any loss in the work.
  2. AI has the ability to do work in a very short time and to take decisions in a very short time, due to which the work can be done very quickly.
  3. Ai is able to work for a very long time, Ai neither gets tired nor distracted, which increases the chances of completing the work in less time and in a fixed time.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Just as the advantages of artificial intelligence are more, in the same way the disadvantages are also more.

The benefits of artificial intelligence are not completely clear yet, but the biggest loss that artificial intelligence is going to cause is going to happen to the human race only.
There is a lot of unemployment in today’s time and with the advent of artificial intelligence, the need for humans to do any work will be very less, due to which unemployment will increase further. It is going to happen to the human race only.

Artificial Intelligence will work in place of humans and will start taking decisions on its own, which if not controlled, can harm mankind.
Artificial Intelligence will work in place of humans and will start taking decisions on its own, which if not controlled, can harm mankind.

How will artificial intelligence change the world?

Gradually, the usefulness of these machines is increasing in every field, where 10 people used to complete a work together in a day, a machine completes the same work in an hour, which saves time, but the people working with it Getting unemployed.

Similarly, the importance of Artificial Intelligence is going to change which is going to change the world completely because they have the power to think and understand like humans, due to which machines will be able to do the work of humans in a better way than humans, Utility will reduce and machines will work instead of humans.

This artificial intelligence is going to make the whole world a digital world, but still artificial intelligence has not been able to do any work completely correctly.


As much as Artificial Intelligence is proving beneficial for us humans, it is equally harmful, it is expected that all of you will like the information given in this article, what is Artificial Intelligence (What is Artificial Intelligence) and how this Artificial Intelligence will change the world. must have come

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